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What about Other Disability Benefits

Other Disability BenefitsOther Disability Benefits

Yes, You Can Receive Other Disability Benefits

Many people are concerned that claiming Social Security disability benefits could threaten the benefits they are receiving from workers’ compensation, a pension or a private disability insurance company. Be assured that, even if there is an offset, it is to your advantage to receive Social Security disability.

Can I receive both SSD and worker’s comp?

Many people receive both benefits. In rare cases, SSD benefits will be reduced because of worker’s compensation benefits, but it is always to a person’s advantage to become entitled to both programs.

What about private disability insurance? Even with an offset, it is always your advantage to receive Social Security disability. As happens in some cases, even if the private disability insurance company requires a repayment of the lump sum SSD benefits, any attorney fee is usually deducted from the repayment. That means you actually will not have to pay an attorney fee and you will continue to receive your SSD monthly benefits.

Why is receiving SSD so important?

At retirement age, when SSD benefits cease, you will receive the maximum Social Security retirement benefit (you never have to accept 80 percent of the Social Security retirement benefit). In addition, you may receive additional benefits for your dependents, which are not offset.

If you are disabled and unable to work full time, Social Security disability is actually a government insurance program that you have paid into. It was created to be there to help you. If you are unsure regarding all the benefits to which you may be entitled, discuss your concerns with a lawyer who has more than 26 years of experience with Social Security disability claims.

Need Help With Your Social Security Disability Claim?

At the law firm of J.B. Bieske, Attorney at Law, we have been handling only Social Security disability claims in Michigan since 1982. We know the regulations well, we attempt to expedite your case with all of our resources and we always work in the best interests of our clients. If you have questions or concerns, contact us to speak to a Michigan social security disability lawyer for a free consultation by phone or at one of our offices located throughout Michigan.


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J.B. Bieske & Jennifer Alfonsi, Attorneys at Law

19991 Hall Road, Suite 202
Macomb, MI 48044
Phone: 586-977-8100
Fax: 586-977-8444

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