If you are receiving Social Security disability benefits and want to return to work, the Social Security Administration provides work incentive programs that allow you to keep receiving your benefits for a trial period. But the rules for this trial work period program are complex. Before utilizing this program to return to work, you should consult with a Michigan Social Security disability lawyer to make sure you completely understand the rules and regulations set forth by the Social Security Administration so that you do not risk losing your eligibility for your Social Security disability benefits.
If you are currently receiving Social Security disability benefits, the Social Security Administration has created a program that allows you to work for a trial period of nine months without the risk of losing your benefits. You can earn an unlimited amount of countable income for total of nine month in a period of five years, or 60 months, without your disability benefit status being affected. The trial work period begins with the first month you start to earn more than $720 (in 2012) or work more than 80 hours in a single month of self employment. However, you need to make sure you check the exact numbers with your Michigan Social Security disability lawyer since the Social Security Administration makes changes each year.
It is important to note that your trial work period can start even prior to being approved for Social Security disability benefits. Your nine months start counting from the day you submit your application for disability benefits to the Social Security Administration, even if you are engaging in part-time work, as long you are earning more than the trial work period services amount of $720.
Therefore, if you are planning to attempt to return to work while receiving disability benefits, it is in your best interest not to use up your trial work period until you are ready to go back to work on a full-time basis. In order not to waste these precious nine months on part-time work that earns you only the minimum amount, you should keep your monthly income below the trial work period services amount of $720.
For a complimentary consultation with a Michigan Social Security disability lawyer, please call J.B. Bieske and Jennifer Alfonsi, Attorneys at Law, at (800) 331-3530.