If your Macomb County Social Security disability attorney is trying to build your case, he or she willmost likely ask your doctor to give a statement regarding your disability. A doctor’s medical opinion can be invaluable in a court before an administrative law judge (ALJ).

Medical Records
- Perhaps the most important part of your Social Security disability case is collecting your medical records.
- However, most court cases are won based upon medical opinions, or a combination of medical records and opinions, not medical records alone.
Doctor’s Medical Opinion
- In order to contribute a medical opinion, your doctor should understand several factors of your disabilities, including the nature, severity, diagnoses, and symptoms.
- More importantly, your physician should also state any effects your injuries have on your mental and physical abilities.
- In many Social Security disability cases, the medical opinion of a disability applicant’s physician can hold the greatest weight in the case.
- Your physician’s opinion can even convince the Social Security Administration.
Your Doctor’s Statement
- It is always best if your doctor speaks at the court on your behalf.
- However, usually doctors are too busy to appear in court,even if they want to help a claimant win a disability case.
- In addition, paying doctors for their time in court is too expensive to justify the cost for many Social Security disability claimants and their lawyers.
- The majority of the time, a Macomb Count Social Security disability attorney must make do with another form of testimony.
Forms of Testimony
- A physician’s deposition
- A written testimony
- Answers to specific questions posed by a Social Security disability attorney
- A medical report
- A customized medical form (often pre-printed and customized for specific disabilities)
Varying Titles of Medical Opinions
- Medical opinions may be called many different things, such as: Residual Functional Capacity (RFC) opinon, medical assessments, or medical source statements.
- A medical opinion carries the same weight in court no matter what it is named.
Contact Us
Besides a physician, your Macomb County Social Security disability attorney is probably the most treasured ally in your Social Security disability case. Don’t let the right one slip through your fingers. Call J.B. Bieske and Jennifer Alfonsi, Attorneys at Law, immediately at (800) 331-3530.