Your Novi Social Security attorney will advise you that your credibility concerning your chronic pain is the degree to which the statements you give relating to your pain are believed and accepted as true. The credibility of your statements relating to your pain is helped by two important factors.

- How consistent your statements are with each other and with other case record information. All the statements in your case record that you have made about your pain will be closely examined by the Social Security Administration (SSA) decision maker. These can include statements you made on SSA forms and questionnaires that were completed during the application process, statements recorded by your physicians in your medical records, statements you may have made in connection with other disability benefits claims, and statements you made while testifying at your hearing. If all of these statements are consistent with each other, they carry more credibility. However, your Novi Social Security attorney knows that your credibility is not necessarily lessened by inconsistent statements if the inconsistencies can be explained. For instance, pain treatments can become ineffective and pain can fluctuate over time. For reasons such as these the adjudicator will compare your statements to the observations and reports of other individuals regarding your daily behavior, activities, and efforts to work. This can include SSA employee observations that have been recorded.
- A record, or history, of seeking out and following treatment for your chronic pain. Your allegations of persistent and intense pain will be supported by evidence that demonstrates you sought out treatment for your chronic pain and followed the prescribed treatments. The credibility of your pain complaints is boosted by your continued efforts to relieve your pain by trying different medications or treatments, and by consulting pain specialists. Conversely, if you have been casual about seeking treatment, or if you have not following the prescribed treatments as outlined in the medical records, and no good reason exists for your failure to do so, your Novi Social Security attorney knows that the SSA decision maker may be less likely to believe your statements concerning the severity of your pain.
Contact Us
If you have questions concerning your Social Security case and would like to visit with an experienced and knowledgeable Novi Social Security attorney, please contact J.B. Bieske and Jennifer Alfonsi, Attorneys at Law, at 800-331-3530.