Your Novi Social Security disability lawyer will work with you to help you be an effective advocate for your disability benefits claim. Your legal pros will help you avoid making common mistakes like those listed below.
Three tips from legal pros
- Stay on topic. Many applicants for disability benefits tell the judge irrelevant facts. But you should not waste the court’s time with needless information about your difficulty getting work, the bad economy, low-paying jobs, technology changes in your industry, lack of work where you live, or other complaints. While these problems may be real, they are non-factors in determining your eligibility for the program. The Social Security Administration is singularly interested in the physical and mental effects of your impairment, and how they prevent you from being able to work.
- Don’t talk about your personality traits. Many applicants try to impress the judge with how honest and deserving they are. That may be true but has nothing to do with eligibility, which is based on disability. Trying to gain the judge’s sympathy will not work and may even backfire. For instance, talking about how honest you are only raises suspicion. Instead, demonstrate your honesty by stating the truth in your testimony.
- No drama. You are not putting on a show or an act for the court. Your Novi Social Security disability lawyer will help you stay focused on the facts that matter. It’s important to describe your status at the hearing in a calm and direct way. (If you are in distress or have any difficulties testifying you should tell the judge and your lawyer.)
Knowing what to say, and importantly what not to say at your hearing, will help expedite your case and give you the best possible outcome. Your lawyer can prepare you to give effective testimony that demonstrates through hard facts and the extensive details of your limitations that you are truly disabled, and a deserving candidate for Social Security disability benefits.
For more information, call Novi Social Security disability lawyers, J.B. Bieske and Jennifer Alfonsi, Attorneys at Law, at 800-331-3530.